Putting the Students in the Driver's Seat! Part 2: Mixed Questions   July, 2024

Hi there,

In part 2 we are going to take a look at how we can use this activity to practice going back and forth between different types of questions. The focus is on getting the answers right (Yes, I do, No, I can't, Yes, I am etc)



1.  Write a set of questions on the board or elicit questions from the students.

2.  Number them A, B, C etc.

3.  Place a set of Topic Cards* on the board and number them 1, 2, 3 etc.

* If the cards are too small, it is okay to enlarge them on a copy machine and use them as flashcards.


1.  Student 1 calls out the combination (s)he wants to practice: "D3, please!"

2.  The other student(s) ask:  "Do you want to play the piano?"

3.  Student 1 answers: "Yes, I do!" or  "No, I don't!"

4.  The next student calls out "C1, please!"

5.  The other student(s) ask:  "Can you play volleyball?"

6.  Student 2 answers: "Yes, I can!" or  "No, I can't!"  and so on.....

How many questions you use depends on the level of the students. With beginning students 2 or 3 questions is more than enough.  

Avoid having too many questions because this will slow down the activity dramatically.

In Part 3 we are going to look at how we can use this activity to practice verb tenses....